Tax & workplace relations in building industry warrant early attention

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Improving Australia's tax system and changing the toxic culture in the building and construction industry need to be key priorities for the new Parliament, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said on 31 August 2016.

James Pearson, CEO of the Australian Chamber, said: "I look forward to company tax cut and workplace relations bills being introduced into the House of Representatives on Wednesday.
"Australia has fallen from 10th to 21st in the Global Competitiveness Index over the past decade, and we rank outside the top 100 countries on key measures of our tax and workplace relations system.  
"Business investment has been the biggest drag on the Australian economy for several years.  Job opportunities will continue to go elsewhere unless we can encourage business people to invest.
"Cutting the company tax rate will benefit small business as well as make Australia a more attractive place to invest. Two-thirds of the multibillion-dollar benefit will go to families and households, Treasury research shows.
"Putting in place a glide path to a lower tax rate means businesspeople will invest in advance of the cut actually being delivered. It is important that the full schedule is legislated because investors won't put their money in without legislative certainty.
"The bill to bring back the Australian Building and Construction Commission will help to stamp out thuggery on construction sites and improve productivity.
"The hard truth is a vote against restoring the ABCC to its full powers is effectively an endorsement of the intimidation tactics used by unions in the construction industry against workers and tradies.
"Debt and deficit remain key concerns for the electorate, so the Parliament must work to repair the budget.
"The Prime Minister was right when he said the Parliament must focus on ‘bread and butter issues', nominating jobs, health and education, and opportunities to get ahead as concerns for Australians. "The business community agrees. The best way to ensure these concerns are met is to give businesswomen and men legislative support to do what they do best: create wealth, provide jobs and pay wages for workers, and supply goods and services to the community.
"I welcome MPs and senators to Canberra and wish them well for the 45th Federal Parliament."

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